Panio, a privately held company founded in 2000, is the recognized leader in connectivity solutions in Tai wan . we offers a diverse product mix that provides with KVM,Audio & Video Extender, Video Switch & Splitter and new coming high technology product, which extracts the full performance potential equipment, while offering elegant designs and advanced features.
KVM=Keyboard Video Mouse 的简写;意指:键盘 屏幕 鼠标。 KVM 就是指,当你只有一组键盘、屏幕和鼠标,但却有多台电脑主机时就可以使用切换器来操控你所有的电脑。
KVM over IP :指信息传送时不被距离所限,让使用者随时透过网络控制并可切换多台电脑,随时掌握状况,立即应变处理。